🕵🏻♂️ Do you want to know what google knows about what you do when using their services or devices? Now you can! If you visit...
😲 ...the web address https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity (this tool is called My Google Activity) you can see most of what google knows about your activity across all the browsers where you're logged in, besides map locations and other interesting things like even the Apps you run on your Android Phone!!! 😱
What do you think about it? Did you visit the page? I felt quite scared when I saw all that information, even though I already "knew they knew" 😆 it was quite a feeling to see all that plainly listed. Should we trust Google with all that data? How much do you keep out of reach by using TOR and other technologies designed to avoid tracking? Or do you prefer, like me, to have everything out in the open (for Google's eyes only), so at least the ads shown and products offered are more relevant?

Of course, I also use a VPN (like the one above) whenever I want more privacy 😉