Would you like to have a few extra modern items in your game? Download and install this mini stuff pack right now!

Modern Living Mini CC Stuff Pack
Base Game Compatible
Created by Illogical Sims, This Mini Stuff Pack contains 13 objects, 10 are completely new, 3 are previous objects from Illogicalsims, but with the swatches reworked to match the other objects. Apart from Green & White in the screenshots below, all objects have at least 5 other swatches (most have more) that match with all other objects.

To find all the CC in Build/Buy, search for “[Modern Living]” (With brackets).
If you use the older versions of the 3 included in this pack you can keep them, since the swatches are different and they will not conflict.
Interesting Information...
- The “Stackable Book” found in Clutter can in fact be placed on top of one another! You can also place “Small” clutter on it, like the Pear picture frame.
- The “Cutting Corners TV Stand” has clutter slots on all 3 levels!