2020's "Community DLC" will be called The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack and it will be released next Late Summer! But wait! They just unveiled NEW FEATURES!!!
Call It By Its Name: Round 5 Results Are In!
It’s hard to believe that only six months ago, the Community Voted Stuff Pack was just announced! Since then, Simmers have been busy choosing the pack’s theme, directing the art style, picking the Create-a-Sim assets, and selecting the objects. We’ve finally reached the end of the voting process, though, and we have our final results. In this last round, they asked us to vote on an icon and a name for this arts-and-crafts focused pack.
Say hello to The Sims™ 4 Nifty Knitting Stuff Pack and its new icon!
With the final round of voting complete, we want to take a moment and thank you all for your participation. You turned out in record numbers to weigh in and help us create something super fun. It really shows that we’re all in this basket of yarn together. These votes have been a highlight for us this year, and now all that’s left is to create the actual thing itself!
For now, we’re going to be focused on knitting this pack together for you and crafting the perfect late-summer treat. We still have quite a bit of work to do, but in just a few months, all of it will come to fruition and your Sims will be rocking along and crafting knittables in their new chairs. While you wait, though, take sneak a peek at some of the new gameplay features you can expect. SimGuruConor kindly shared a quick preview (including a new way for your Sims to sell their knittables via the Plopsy online storefront!) a few weeks ago.
EA's Official Website
Expected New Features
This Community Voted Stuff Pack is centered around knitting! Sims will be able to kick back, turn on some tunes, and start stitching to their heart's content. Knit a plushie! Knit a hat! Knit a mailbox? If you’re into that, I guess, we don’t judge. Knitting provides all sorts of creative avenues for your Sims.
Create-A-Sim Improvements
One of the cool things being added to this pack is the chance to knit your own clothing. Sims will have the ability to unlock exclusive knitted clothing in CAS, making it available for everyone in their household to wear.
This was a very important system for knitting, perhaps the most important! While it may sound like a no-brainer, keep in mind that most clothing in The Sims™ 4 is readily available for all Sims to wear.
So, their idea was to create a new UI that displays locked Create-A-Sim clothing items. This way you’ll be able to view things like knitted sweaters and socks (yes, socks!) before knitting them. This will also show you everything your Sim can aspire to create! Knitted clothing needs to be special, not just something every townie wears (I’m looking at you, Eyeball Ring).
Let’s Rock Chairs!
Next, let’s talk about Rocking Chairs! For a pack about knitting, it just felt right.
Rocking chairs will mostly function like regular chairs, but with a few added twists! Sims will be able to do things like talk, watch TV, listen to music, read books, and knit while on a rocking chair. If it works while sitting, they’ll try to make it work while rocking.
Now let's talk about Elders. They'd like Elders to have some unique gameplay with rocking chairs, so they’re including a special interaction on rocking chairs called Reminisce, where Elder Sims think back to their days of yore and recall something nice (or maybe not so nice). Maybe something super embarrassing that they buried deep, deep down? Who knows?
What else does the rocking chair do? EA promises lots of stuff! We have to wait to see if they'll deliver!
Also in this pack is a cool new feature (hopefully available on their free patch update) called Plopsy. Yes, Plopsy.
What is Plopsy? It’s an online store where Sims can sell their crafted art! This store isn’t tied to a career or a gig, so if you wanna make a little art money on the side, Plopsy is here for you.
Being able to sell your knitted items online felt like a really strong feature for this pack, and we weren’t sure if just dragging an object into the Sell button was gonna cut it. With Plopsy, Sims will be able to list their objects online for a small fee in hopes that an internet stranger will buy it. Once a buyer is found, Sims will need to ship the object themselves by routing to the mailbox. Or they can ignore someone’s offer, and try for a better deal.
Not only can knitted objects be listed on Plopsy, but so can things like Paintings and Woodworking sculptures too! I’m hoping to include as many things as possible that make sense for a store like this. Whichever item you choose to sell, you should hopefully make more of a profit with Plopsy than selling things the old-fashioned way.
Your Sim can also purchase things from Plopsy! If you don’t feel like knitting a hat, maybe someone has one for sale. Listings update throughout the day, so you can keep checking back in search of the perfect item.
Plopsy is still hot off the presses, so there's no spoilers yet. For now, please enjoy Plopsy's logo on the top of this page!
But wait! There's More (Next Page)!!!
Two New Radio Stations with Mood Buffs!!!
For our latest Stuff Pack we’re adding not one, but two new stereo stations to listen to while you knit! You’re not going to knit in total silence with just your thoughts eating away at you, right? Let's drown out the voices with some new tunes!
First off is our aptly named Focus stereo station. And if you’re wondering, yes it will give you a Focused buff. Not only will it calm your earbuds, but also give your Sims a nice bonus to working on Homework and Knitting, neat huh? So if you just need to simmer down, the Focus station is here for you.
But what if you’ve had enough chilling?
What if you want something a little more LOUD?
What if you want something that will make you stand up and scream Viking expletives you never knew existed?!?!
Buddy, do we have a station for you!
Introducing the Metal stereo station, coming soon to a Stuff Pack near you!
Yes, you heard that right. The Sims 4 is getting Metal. Sims listening to Metal will feel Energized, and will gain bonuses to Knitting while they listen. Any stereo currently playing Metal will also gain some new flair for the available interactions. Check them out below!
The Sims Official Forum
Wait, does that say AIR GUITAR TO METAL?
Animations are still work-in-progress. Knitting and Metal, together under the same roof. They go together like llamas and bunnies, tragedy and clowns, Goths and aliens, okay, you get the frozen bunny picture…
Adding new music stations to the Sims is integrated into the knitting experience itself. So if you want to get a boost to your knitting skill, consider turning on one of our new stations while getting crafty.