The Sims 4 StrangerVille (also known as Strangetown) is unique in that it doesn't offer a lot of skills and careers. It's main feature is a new location and a story line that complements that location. For this reason, the list of cheats for this game pack is not very long but there are still a few worth mentioning:
How To Cheat
Press Control + Shift + C on your keyboard, which will bring up a white box on the top left corner. From there you can enter simple cheats, or enable all of them by typing testingcheats on. They can be turned off again by swapping out the on for testingcheats off.
Cheat promotions in the Strangerville Military Career by using the cheat console and typing careers.promote military. Mid-way through the career you will get to choose between becoming and officer or covert agent. The rewards and responsibilities of these two tracks differ like all others.
Solving the Strangerville Mystery is a big part of the pack so you don't want to spoil it. However on future runs, you may want to complete this story so that you can move in families in new games without going through the entire process. For that reason I'll point out that you can use testingcheats and type bb.showhiddenobjects - this can let you go into buy mode and search for evidence parts that are normally collected by investigating in the world.
Try searching dongle, report, and photo for example. Those that count will say, "Collect 15 pieces of evidence". Not sure if you're able to just buy a Dossier and lab keycard to skip those parts, but a Hazmat suit can also be found in the debug menu and may help you speed up on future save files. It's tested and confirmed that they count toward your progress on the investigation as well as for the aspiration titled, 'Strangerville Mystery'.
In Strangerville, there are strange plants all over. You can use testingcheats to shift-click the plants and put them into a fully bloomed state, allowing you to more quickly harvest their 'strange fruit'.
Source: Carl's Sims 4 Guide
- The Sims 4 StrangerVille Price: Unknown, but all game packs are usually sold for the same amount: 🇺🇸 $19.99 - 🇪🇺 β¬ 19.99 - 🇬🇧 Β£ 17.99
- When does The Sims 4 StrangerVille Come Out? February 26
- The Sims 4 StrangerVille Release Time: 6:30 PM (GMT / UTC)