Tune in as EA reveals news, trailers, games, its plans for PS5 and Xbox Series X, and more on June 18, starting at 4 PM PT.
The Sims 4 Modpocalypse Lifestyle
Even though it sounds funny, I am sorry how sad many of you are when you try to finally open your game with the latest Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack and you find the game going crazy, glitchy, weird things happening everywhere!
Color Wheel and More Skin Tones for Sims 4
Don't you think it's time to have a color wheel with RGB / HEX values and more skin tones to include everybody? Sign the petition now!
The Sims 4 June 2020 Patch (Pre Eco Lifestyle)
The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Surprise LiveStream (by EA)
Just got a notification EA's Streaming in a few minutes! Come and watch their official stream HERE right NOW!
The Sims 4 Official LiveStream - Eco Lifestyle in Depth Showcase
The Sims 4 Attempting to Connect
Are you frustrated when EA Servers are down and you can't connect to their server and play? Here's the perfect solution!
Adobe Acrobat Download - For FREE!
Would you like to use Adobe Acrobat for FREE? Now you can! Use the link below to be redirected to the correct official download page on Adobe's Website!