Find out what's new with this update, including stackable windows and fixes!
Hello Simmers!
-SimGuruRomeo Ft. SimGuruRusskii
We are super excited for the upcoming release of The Sims™ 4 Star Wars™: Journey to Batuu, so today we have an important update for you to address a couple of critical issues as well as a few updates to some existing features.
Have your Sims ever dreamed of a jungle-themed wedding escapade? Or a quiet yet elegant wedding in the woods? Sims can now elope in any of the Destination Worlds. Picture this… a warm sunny day in Selvadorada, your Sim and their loved one accompanied by the bustling sounds of Puerto Llamante… it is like the best premise for one of Russkii’s telenovelas.
Besides letting… I mean, encouraging Sims to elope to Destination Worlds, we have made windows a little more dynamic if you will. You can now place windows by stacking them above each other without the use of the bb.moveobjects cheat. Which may seem small but we hope builders enjoy this addition!
For Playstation 4 players, we checked around and we found some additional memory. This should help those Simmers who were unfortunate enough to crash during travel and transitioning in and out of Build Buy on some of their more built-up saves.
Last but not least, we have also made a change for PC and Mac in which there will be a new folder auto-generated in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\ called “ConfigOverride”. Inside this folder, players can place a copy of Default.ini, GraphicsCards.sgr, and/or GraphicsRules.sgr which will override these files where the game is located. So, if you edited these files before, you can now edit them in the new folder.
Happy Simming,
New Features

🚪 Stackable Windows (No Window Emoji 😆) 🚪
💒 Eloping to Destination Worlds 💒
❓ New ConfigOverride
Folder inside Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4
for your basic configuration files 🤦🏻♂️
🚫 No new skin colors or color wheel, no fixes for the objects being stolen after Eco Lifestyle or any of the most popular glitches corrected yet 🌈
🚫 No improved babies 👶🏻
Sims 4
- Mouse hovering over purchased traits will no longer display the text “Not available for Robots.” We understand that Robots are sentient beings, but unfortunately, these traits are not robot compliant.
- Fixed an issue in which Lots with applied Terrain Manipulation were being placed backwards when downloaded from The Gallery. Where’s the door? Is this the front or the back? Order has been restored at last.
- Fixed an issue in which Terrain Paint did not apply correctly under trees or foundations.
- The UI team did some housekeeping and have fixed some background stretching happening in career panels.
- Blinking shadows no longer appear when placing windows in basement levels that are of the same variant. I do admit that was a bit spooky, not the time windows… not the time.
- Color swatches for Build Mode item “Large Dancing Water Emitter” have been fixed.
- Staircases will no longer get cut through trims when there is no landing. Safety first!
Discover University
- Some flowers and trees in Gibbs Hill will no longer appear to be floating as Sims walk by. To be honest, the idea of floating flora is quite appealing to me.
Eco Lifestyle
- Civil Designer Sims will no longer come home after work wearing random footwear. I’m all for putting your feet up after work, but switching footwear in the middle of things and coming home from work in a completely different state as you went out, is kinda suspicious.
- Fixed an issue that caused some color swatch glitches on Civil Designer outfits.
Realm of Magic
- Fixed an issue with thumbnails generated in The Gallery for Toddlers that generated not only their Sim form but also included their Spellcaster form. We can only contain the cuteness so much!
Nifty Knitting
- What’s that? Did you still hear the sounds of knitting when cancelling knitting interactions? <singsongy voice> Not a problem anymore.
- Fixed an issue with asset cfHair_SP17LocsLong that made it display all adult color swatches.

I originally used G4TW to download sims 4 and its global patch. Are these files compatible? I want to download the patch 1.66 from this website
Hi! The only 1.66 version currently available is the one with Star Wars: Sims 4 All in One Automatic
Can i stack these onto my g4tw files?
Yes, as long as you overwrite the ones you have with the new ones. But the procedure to use The Sims 4 Automatic is different, since it does not use torrents and it also allows for automatic updates.
You can always copy the contents of your synchronized folder to Program Files if you want to use them in the old manner.
i have paid for premium, but i really prefer the portable version. can i like, just add the missing stuff from the yandex to my portable folder? I am sure it isn't really that easy, but i can hope.
Yes! Totally! You can use "Method B", which is exactly this. You COPY all the files from your Yandex folder to overwrite whatever you have on C:\Program Files\The Sims 4 and your game becomes updated. You can also rename your The Sims 4 folder inside Program Files to something like The Sims 4 1.xx.xx (so you know which version you have there) then COPY the folder The Sims 4 from your Yandex folder to Program Files. After you figure out you like the new version you can delete the old one.
NEVER change any file inside your Yandex Disk folder (not the shared stuff, you can play around with your own stuff that's not inside what I shared with you), otherwise Yandex Disk revokes your access and you need to sync everything again.
Will this be made available for everyone in the future or will it stay a Sims 4 Automatic exclusive?
Further down the line, yes.Not likely for the first month though. I am still fidlling around with cycle durations (automatic exclusive, uTip and public release), but right now those will be the three main stages for each release and what will change is the duration of each step, which will vary according to the funds I raise. The more donations, the sooner. 😇
That makes sense. Thank you so much for answering my question and for all of your hard work!
Thank you very much for being understanding 🥰