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Hi! I followed all the instruction and installed the game with traditional setting on. I played once or twice and everything was good but now everytime I pop up the game it says I haven't any extra packs!!! I play through EA app
Hello, i checked for the invite but i dont see it. i double checked my ID and it is 🪩
I have resubscribed 🪩@yandex.com
I am getting a pop-up from yandex disc saying "Files are too large and weren't uploaded to Yandex Disc." "Activate Yandex 360 Premium to upload files bigger than 1 GB." The files in question are ClientDeltaBuild0, ClientDeltaBuild6, ClientDeltaBuild7, ClientDeltaBuild8. It tells me to choose a plan, or move to a different folder, but I feel like I remember you saying we didn't need to get premium for this. How do I resolve this?
Hello, I subscribed for gallery, how do I access the sims 4 gallery in the game?
Hi Im getting the error message that i need to update Origin to play the game? How do I get rid of this message? Many thanks
Hello! I resubscribed yesterday but still don't have access. I also don't see my comment on the other page asking for access. My info is 🍫@yandex.com
Hi, is it possible to have a mac version of the game?
Hi tried to rejoin with prior yandex account but locked out I had 💎@yandex but now I have 💎@yandex.com Can you please reset my access with the correct account? Thank you.
Can you please regain me access please 🙂
Hi there! Where do I install custom content?
hello, downloading the game again, can i play the sims 4 without downloading the delta folder to my PC?
Yesterday when I went to update the game for the new DLC, the "data" and "delta" folders had a red x on it, instead of the blue syncing one. I uninstalled Yandex, uninstalled the Sims and starting fresh, but I'm still getting the same issue with my fresh reinstall
the sims app is disabled
Hey, could you help me please?
Yesterday I saved my game and shut down my computer but when loading the game today all of the packs are showing as 'unowned'. Everything was working fine before and is still downloaded through Yandex Disk. I repaired the game and restarted my PC however this made no difference. 🙁
Thanks in advance!
Hey! It says I'm subscribed but my access isn't updating. (Update file is still from December)
subscription is renewed, could i please get access? ☃️@yandex.com - thanks and sending love!!
I just resubbed can you send the access to my email at ☃️@yandex.com? Thank you for all you do !
Hi! Firstly, thank you for your immense work and support (:
I've been a patron for a few years and am only just now running into this issue.
My game was crashing at launch all of a sudden after I updated to the most recent kits yesterday. I did a clean install but was having the same issue ):
I ended up trying to do another clean install, but now all the folders have nothing in them. When inside the Yandisk app, all the folders under Premium Access have a green tick (and 'download' in an instant), but there are 0 files inside these folders. Under the Sims 4 Automatic version the files are present. Inside my actual game folder on my drive, only the folders are present.
If I could have some help that would be so wonderful, once the game can actually download I may also need help the crashing to desktop during launch issue. Thank you so much in advance (:
External hard drive questions as I'm trying to figure out what is the best method.
Right now I have my game via shell extention on my hard drive.
When there are auto updates do I need to redo the steps above to add the new updated game?
Second Question
What about just installing the game on my external hard drive? Do I just point yandex to the hard drive and install from there and all future updates will just auto update?