The Sims 4 1.73 Patch is expected to be released before the end of April 2021. Check below what to expect from it!

The Sims 4 1.73 Laundry List [Likely Future Patch Notes] Introduction
Hi Simmers!
Welcome to the Laundry List where we’ll share a list of the top community concerns that we’re currently investigating and hope to have resolved in the upcoming patch.
These concerns were reported by players who help us continue our work of improving the user experience on a regular basis.
Please note that some topics can be tricky and require an extended investigation on our end, so even though we are actively investigating it’s not a guarantee that we’ll have an immediate fix for it in the upcoming patch.
Also note that this is just a list of the “top” concerns. There are more topics that we saw reported by players that are not listed and being worked on.
EA Official Website
The Sims 4 Discover University: Social Panel Always Saves Organization Tab
Bug Description: Have The Sims 4 Get Together and Discover University installed. Click social then clubs. Navigate away from social and then return. It will show organisations instead of clubs.
What happens when the bug occurs? The social panel always goes back to organisations instead of clubs because it's not saving clubs to the ini file it's saving orgs.
What do you expect to see? When you click SOCIAL and then CLUBS it should stay on clubs for each sim you do this with.
The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Extreme Sports - High Intensity Slope not Registering
How to Replicate This Bug: Select the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration.
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim performs high intensity skiing on the right slope and it doesn’t get marker as completed.
What do you expect to see? It is expected to complete.
Base Game: Gallery Showing Wrong Packs Used
Bug Description: Try to build with a single pack or base game items only. Save your build periodically. Eventually, if you build long enough, it'll tell you that items from another pack are included that you didn't intend to include. From your library save, check the "Show Used Items" on the packs it lists. Eventually you'll find that it shows you a pack in use, but does not list any items used in the pack.
What happens when the bug occurs? The library or gallery save of your build will show required packs that weren't used.
What do you expect to see? The Gallery should only display the packs there were actually used in the building or room.
The Sims 4 City Living: Vegetarian Sims Get Non Vegetarian Food when Using "Get Leftovers"
Bug Description: Cook multiple meals, some vegetarian and some with meat, then store them in the fridge. Select a Sim with the vegetarian trait and click 'Get Leftovers'.
What happens when the bug occurs? The Vegetarian Sim goes for options with meat no matter how many vegetarian dishes are in the fridge.
What do you expect to see? The Sim with 'vegetarian trait' should choose a vegetarian alternative instead.
The Sims 4 Vampires: Vampires not Drinking Fish/Frog Plasma Autonomously
Bug Description: Create a club for vampires with the get together expansion, and set "drink plasma" as one of the 5 things to do to earn club points.
What happens when the bug occurs? They all have the incredible urge to drink plasma packs that were ordered from the computer and are lying around the house. They completely ingore any plasma packs that are converted from fish and frogs that are lying around the house. It also seems all NPC vampires are getting fat...
What do you expect to see? Vampires shouldn't discriminate with different types of plasma packs.
The Sims 4 Seasons: Unable to Complete "Grand Meal" Event After Eating Fish Dinner
Bug Description: Cook Fish Dinner (grand meal).
What happens when the bug occurs? The Fish Dinner is no longer counted as a grand meal.
What do you expect to see? Sims should have the "eat grand meal" event completed after having eaten the fish dinner.
The Sims 4 Discover University: Mental Magister Trait Has No Icon
Bug Description: Become senior member of the Brainiacs, check traits.
What happens when the bug occurs? Mental Magister trait shows up but without icon (other than the icon not found / llama icon) or origin (short description only).
What do you expect to see? Trait with correct icon displayed.

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle: Making With a Mentor Moodlet Icon is Missing
Bug Description: Go to a Maker Space and use one of the crafting objects, like the Fabricator. Click on a Maker Mentor NPC and ask them to mentor you while you are using the object.
What happens when the bug occurs? You'll get the focused moodlet "Making with a Mentor", but it has the "missing image llama" instead of an actual moodlet icon.
What do you expect to see? Correct icon shown in the moodlet.
The Sims 4 Get Together + Eco Lifestyle and Discover University: Traits not in Club Menu
Bug Description: Try to create a club restriction for the maker trait.
What happens when the bug occurs? Doesn't show up in the list. Affected traits (so far): Servo (Discover University), Freegan, Green Fiend, Maker, Recycle Disciple (Eco Lifestyle)
What do you expect to see? Those traits available.
The Sims 4 Seasons: Shower in The Rain Not Working
Bug Description: Wait until it's heavy raining and click the ground to shower in the rain. The sim will go outside and stand there. Getting naked beforehand doesn't make a difference.
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim goes outside and stand doing nothing.
What do you expect to see? Sim should take a rain shower.
The Sims 4 Bust the Dust: No Dust in Haunted Houses
Bug Description: Create a Residential Haunted House or change a Residential to Haunted House Residential, and try to have dust in it.
What happens when the bug occurs? Even after several days, no dust shows up. Changing lot to residential makes dust appear again. Changing it back to haunted makes even existing dust bunnies disappear after saving and loading the game again.
What do you expect to see? Residential Haunted Lots should also have dust (and dust bunnies).
Conclusion / Expectations...
So far that's what we may expect from The Sims 4 Patch 1.73, to be released near the end of April of 2021. No new feature advertised, no leak on the next pack, it seems we're in the dark for the past few weeks. Is something BIG coming up?