Are you looking to unlock the full potential of The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack? Look no further! In this article, we'll provide a complete guide to the cheat codes available for Get to Work. From adding and removing mood buffs to promoting and demoting sims in their careers, these cheats will help you customize your gameplay experience and achieve your goals in The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack. Whether you're looking to increase your sim's salary or spawn specific objects in the world, we've got you covered. So read on and discover the full range of cheats available for The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack!
The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack is a game pack for The Sims 4 that was released in 2015. It adds a number of new gameplay elements and features to the base game, including the ability to control your sims while they are at work and the ability to run your own retail business.
One of the main features of Get to Work is the ability to control your sims while they are at work. This expansion pack introduces three new careers: Doctor, Scientist, and Detective. As your sim progresses through their career, they will have the opportunity to perform tasks and make decisions that will impact their career progression and performance.
In addition to the new careers, Get to Work also introduces the ability to run your own retail business. You can create and customize your own store, set prices for items, and interact with customers to sell your products. You can also hire employees to help you run your store, which allows you to take on bigger challenges and expand your business.
Get to Work also includes a number of other gameplay elements, such as the ability to create and customize your own aliens, the ability to visit the planet Sixam (which was introduced in a previous expansion pack), and the ability to experience events in the world in real-time (such as fires or burglaries).
Overall, The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack adds a lot of depth and replay value to the base game, and is definitely worth considering for fans of The Sims 4.
The Sims 4 Get to Work Career Cheats
careers.add_career [career]
This cheat allows you to add a specific career to the selected sim. Replace "career" with the desired career's name or ID: Alien, Athlete, Business, Criminal, Detective, Doctor, Entertainer, Firefighter, Law Enforcement, Medical, Military, Music, Politics, Scientist, Tech Guru or Writer (remember to capitalize correctly or the cheat might not work).
This cheat will add a new career to the selected sim, regardless of whether they already have a career or not. The new career will be added to the sim's career list in addition to any careers they may already have. For example, if a sim has the Detective career and you use the "careers.add_career Scientist" cheat, the sim will now have both the Detective and Scientist careers.
careers.promote [career]
This cheat allows you to promote the selected sim in their current career. Replace "career" with the desired career's name or ID (e.g. "careers.promote Detective" to promote the sim in the Detective career).
careers.demote [career]
This cheat allows you to demote the selected sim in their current career. Replace "career" with the desired career's name or ID (e.g. "careers.demote Detective" to demote the sim in the detective career).
If you use the "careers.promote" cheat in The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack without specifying which career you want to promote the sim in, the game will not recognize the cheat and it will not have any effect.
For example, if you use the cheat "careers.promote" without specifying a career, nothing will happen. However, if you use the cheat "careers.promote Detective" (for example), the sim will be promoted in the Detective career.
It is important to specify which career you want to promote the sim in when using the "careers.promote" cheat, as the sim may have multiple careers and the cheat will only affect the specified career.
careers.remove_career [career]
This cheat allows you to remove the selected sim's current career. Replace "career" with the desired career's name or ID (e.g. "careers.remove_career Detective" to remove the Detective career from the sim).
careers.set_salary [career] [amount]
This cheat allows you to set the selected sim's salary in their current career to a specific value. Replace "career" with the desired career's name or ID and "amount" with the desired salary (e.g. "careers.set_salary Detective 5000" to set the sim's salary in the Detective career to 5000 simoleons per day).
The Sims 4 Get to Work Skill Cheats
sims.add_skill_points [skill] [amount]
This cheat allows you to add a specified number of skill points to the selected sim's skill level in a specific skill. Replace "skill" with the name of the skill you want to modify (Alien Technology, Athletic, Baking, Bass, Charisma, Cooking, Dancing, DJ Mixing, Fishing, Fitness, Flower Arranging, Gardening, Guitar, Handiness, Herbalism, Homestyle Cooking, Logical, Painting, Piano, Programming, Rocket Science, Singing or Writing) and "amount" with the number of skill points you want to add (1 to 10). Be mindful about the capitalization or the cheat might not work.
sims.remove_skill_points [skill] [amount]
This cheat allows you to remove a specified number of skill points from the selected sim's skill level in a specific skill. Replace "skill" with the name of the skill you want to modify (Alien Technology, Athletic, Baking, Bass, Charisma, Cooking, Dancing, DJ Mixing, Fishing, Fitness, Flower Arranging, Gardening, Guitar, Handiness, Herbalism, Homestyle Cooking, Logical, Painting, Piano, Programming, Rocket Science, Singing or Writing) and "amount" with the number of skill points you want to remove (1 to 10).
sims.set_skill_level [skill] [level]
This cheat allows you to set a specified number of skill points to the selected sim's skill level in a specific skill. Replace "skill" with the name of the skill you want to modify (Alien Technology, Athletic, Baking, Bass, Charisma, Cooking, Dancing, DJ Mixing, Fishing, Fitness, Flower Arranging, Gardening, Guitar, Handiness, Herbalism, Homestyle Cooking, Logical, Painting, Piano, Programming, Rocket Science, Singing or Writing) and "amount" with the number of skill points you want to define (0 to 10). Be mindful about the capitalization or the cheat might not work.
sims.add_career_reward_points [amount]
This cheat allows you to add a specified number of career reward points to the selected sim's career reward store. Replace "amount" with the number of points you want to add.
sims.remove_career_reward_points [amount]
This cheat allows you to remove a specified number of career reward points from the selected sim's career reward store. Replace "amount" with the number of points you want to remove.
sims.add_perk [perk]
This cheat allows you to add a specific perk to the selected sim. Replace "perk" with the name of the perk you want to add (AlienAbductionProbability, AlienTechExpert, AthleticElite, BakingMaster, BassElite, CharismaCharmer, CookingMaster, DancingElite, DJMixingMaster, FishingElite, FitnessElite, FlowerArrangingMaster, GardeningGreenThumb, GuitarElite, HandinessMaster, HerbalismGreenThumb, HomestyleCookingMaster, LogicalProdigy, PaintingMaster, PianoElite, ProgrammingProdigy, RocketScienceExpert, SingingElite or WritingElite). Be sure you capitalize the perk correctly when typing or it may not work.
sims.remove_perk [perk]
This cheat allows you to remove a specific perk from the selected sim. Replace "perk" with the name of the perk you want to remove (AlienAbductionProbability, AlienTechExpert, AthleticElite, BakingMaster, BassElite, CharismaCharmer, CookingMaster, DancingElite, DJMixingMaster, FishingElite, FitnessElite, FlowerArrangingMaster, GardeningGreenThumb, GuitarElite, HandinessMaster, HerbalismGreenThumb, HomestyleCookingMaster, LogicalProdigy, PaintingMaster, PianoElite, ProgrammingProdigy, RocketScienceExpert, SingingElite or WritingElite). Be sure you capitalize the perk correctly when typing or it may not work.
Retail Perks & Perk Point Cheats
Retail Perk Points are a new feature introduced in The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack that allow you to unlock special abilities and bonuses for your sims while they are running their own retail business. These perks can be purchased with retail perk points, which can be earned through successful sales and interactions with customers.
However, if you want to unlock all of the retail perks without having to grind for retail perk points, you can use the following cheats to add or remove retail perk points from your sim's retail store. Keep in mind these cheats might not work if you don't use the cheat "testingcheats true" first!
retail_perks.add_perk_points [amount]
This cheat allows you to add a specified number of retail perk points to your sim's retail store. Replace "amount" with the number of points you want to add (e.g. "10").
retail_perks.remove_perk_points [amount]
This cheat allows you to remove a specified number of retail perk points from your sim's retail store. Replace "amount" with the number of points you want to remove (e.g. "10").
This cheat unlocks all retail perks for your sim's retail store, regardless of the number of retail perk points they have.
bucks.unlock_perk [perk]
This cheat unlocks a specific retail perk for your sim's retail store. Replace "perk" with the name of the perk you want to unlock (e.g. "RetailPerk_PriceDiscount_1" to unlock the Price Discount perk). You can use any of the options below (remember to use the exact capitalization as shown below or the cheat might not work)
- RetailPerk_AdvertisingEfficiency_1
- RetailPerk_AdvertisingEfficiency_2
- RetailPerk_AdvertisingEfficiency_3
- RetailPerk_BaseSaleIncrease_1
- RetailPerk_BaseSaleIncrease_2
- RetailPerk_BaseSaleIncrease_3
- RetailPerk_BrandLoyalty_1
- RetailPerk_BrandLoyalty_2
- RetailPerk_BrandLoyalty_3
- RetailPerk_ComboBonus_1
- RetailPerk_ComboBonus_2
- RetailPerk_ComboBonus_3
- RetailPerk_CustomerBrowseTime_1
- RetailPerk_CustomerBrowseTime_2
- RetailPerk_CustomerBrowseTime_3
- RetailPerk_CustomerPurchaseIntent_1
- RetailPerk_CustomerPurchaseIntent_2
- RetailPerk_CustomerPurchaseIntent_3
- RetailPerk_CustomerReturns_1
- RetailPerk_CustomerReturns_2
- RetailPerk_CustomerReturns_3
- RetailPerk_EmployeeHappiness_1
- RetailPerk_EmployeeHappiness_2
- RetailPerk_EmployeeHappiness_3
- RetailPerk_EmployeeProductivity_1
- RetailPerk_EmployeeProductivity_2
- RetailPerk_EmployeeProductivity_3
- RetailPerk_EmployeeStealing_1
- RetailPerk_EmployeeStealing_2
- RetailPerk_EmployeeStealing_3
- RetailPerk_FreeAdvertisement_1
- RetailPerk_FreeAdvertisement_2
- RetailPerk_FreeAdvertisement_3
- RetailPerk_InventoryCapacity_1
- RetailPerk_InventoryCapacity_2
- RetailPerk_InventoryCapacity_3
- RetailPerk_InventoryCost_1
- RetailPerk_InventoryCost_2
- RetailPerk_InventoryCost_3
- RetailPerk_PriceDiscount_1
- RetailPerk_PriceDiscount_2
- RetailPerk_PriceDiscount_3
- RetailPerk_PriceMarkup_1
- RetailPerk_PriceMarkup_2
- RetailPerk_PriceMarkup_3
- RetailPerk_ProductQuality_1
- RetailPerk_ProductQuality_2
- RetailPerk_ProductQuality_3
- RetailPerk_RestockSpeed_1
- RetailPerk_RestockSpeed_2
- RetailPerk_RestockSpeed_3
- RetailPerk_SalesAssociatePay_1
- RetailPerk_SalesAssociatePay_2
- RetailPerk_SalesAssociatePay_3
- RetailPerk_SalesAssociateSkill_1
- RetailPerk_SalesAssociateSkill_2
- RetailPerk_SalesAssociateSkill_3
- RetailPerk_StoreSize_1
- RetailPerk_StoreSize_2
- RetailPerk_StoreSize_3
- RetailPerk_VendorDiscount_1
- RetailPerk_VendorDiscount_2
- RetailPerk_VendorDiscount_3
- RetailPerk_VendorOrderFrequency_1
- RetailPerk_VendorOrderFrequency_2
- RetailPerk_VendorOrderFrequency_3
- RetailPerk_VendorOrderSize_1
- RetailPerk_VendorOrderSize_2
- RetailPerk_VendorOrderSize_3
- RetailPerk_VendorPrice_1
- RetailPerk_VendorPrice_2
- RetailPerk_VendorPrice_3
- RetailPerk_VendorQuality_1
- RetailPerk_VendorQuality_2
- RetailPerk_VendorQuality_3
- RetailPerk_VendorQuantity_1
- RetailPerk_VendorQuantity_2
- RetailPerk_VendorQuantity_3
- RetailPerk_VendorSpecialty_1
- RetailPerk_VendorSpecialty_2
- RetailPerk_VendorSpecialty_3
bucks.lock_perk [perk]
This cheat locks a specific retail perk for your sim's retail store. Replace "perk" with the name of the perk you want to lock (e.g. "RetailPerk_PriceDiscount_1" to lock the Price Discount perk). You can refer to the list above for the available choices.
This cheat unlocks all retail perks for your sim's retail store.
This cheat locks all retail perks for your sim's retail store.
In conclusion, The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack is a must-have for any player looking to add a little extra sparkle to their gameplay. With a wide range of cheats available, players can customize and enhance their gameplay experience to suit their own unique style. From career advancement and skill boosts to retail perks and debug items, these cheats provide endless options for players looking to add some extra glamour to their Sims' lives.
We hope that this article has been a helpful guide for all the fabulous players out there looking to add some extra flair to their gameplay. If you have any insider tips or tricks that you'd like to share with our readers, please leave a comment below. We'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on these cheats and how you like to use them in your own gameplay.
Thanks for reading, and happy simming! π€