Second All in One version of The Sims 4 Freelancer, it has all the previous expansions and digital content up to The Sims 4 Freelancer Update, released on April 19th of 2019!
Tag: 1.51
The Sims 4 Freelancer All in One Portable
The Sims 4 Freelancer All in One Customizable [Anadius]
The Sims 4 Freelancer Patch + Any DLC Available RIGHT NOW!
The Sims 4 Language Changer
This Language Changer [Version] is VERY easy to use and just awesome! 😍
💜 Thanks to Anadius for this wonderful tool and to Games4TheWorld for the language files and everything else! 💜
If you get "empty bubbles" or any other issues in your game when changing your language with previous methods it means that you likely have a single language version of The Sims 4 installed instead of a multi language one. So, to solve this issue, you should use the language changer below, which also contains the